Challenge yourself to consciously connect with your heart’s wisdom

In a world of complex diagnoses, treatment plans, labels and conditions, remember this profound truth: our heart’s wisdom is always clear and trustworthy.

Think about a time when you followed your heart’s guidance in your practice. Perhaps you had a hunch about a patient’s condition that turned out to be accurate, or you felt compelled to say something that deeply resonated with a client. These moments of heart-led intuition can be powerful catalysts for healing.

Today, challenge yourself to consciously connect with your heart’s wisdom. Before each patient interaction, take a moment to center yourself and ask your heart, “What does this person truly need?” Be open to the insights that arise, even if they’re not what you initially expected.

Share a story in the comments about a time when trusting your heart led to a breakthrough in your practice. Your experience could inspire others to tune into their own heart’s wisdom!

Want to deepen your connection to your heart’s innate wisdom? Comment “ADJUST” below to receive a link to Hillary’s newest guided meditation. It’s designed to help you align your analytical mind with your heart’s intuition after a day of loving, serving and giving.

About BittmanBliss

Stew and Hillary Bittman are published authors, international public speakers and workshop leaders, healers, spiritual leaders and peaceful warriors. Coming from an eclectic and extensive background of spiritual traditions, they have inspired people all over the world with their practical message of hope and healing. For over 20 years, The Bittmans have had a mission to awaken the awareness of oneness between the spiritual and the physical. They operated Safe Haven Chiropractic, a healing center based on donations only, for 23 years. Thousands of individuals and families were given the opportunity to embrace their gifts, pursue their dreams and find the peace and wholeness that reside within all of us. Stew and Hillary have traveled the world teaching the principles of life and have participated in 6 chiropractic missions in Central America, bringing those principles to manifestation for literally hundreds of thousands of people. Currently, the Bittmans are the co-Spiritual Leaders of Unity at the Lake, a positive, trans-denominational, spiritual community in South Lake Tahoe, CA. They are on the road to becoming ordained Unity Ministers.
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