Do you find yourself being defensive rather than loving? Take a moment to open and breathe into your heart.
Then ask yourself some really, really good questions like…
“am I really sure I’m right?” Can’t answer yes to that question ever!
Or “Is it more important to be right in this moment than to shine my light? Is it more important to be right in this moment than to foster a connection with the person I love the most, isn’t this a magnificent opportunity to be a better sailor through the seas of love?”
It’s ironic to me to think about how much I gain from just letting go of needing to be right. Again, I gain access to my heart. I gain connection to my heart and connection to the other person.
I regain the freedom to be truly present, so I regain my joy. And best of all, I regain my ability to love.
Do you need a tour guide in your journey from head to heart?
We offer 1:1 coaching and a 4-week HeartMath™ mentoring program, all offered on a “pay as what your heart dictates” basis. 💖 Send us a message or email us at for details.